New Delhi (India), May 22: Released last year in August, the Telugu film ‘Tees Maar Khan’ was loved by the audiences, and soon it was declared a blockbuster. Now, the good news is whole of India will be able to watch it. The Hindi dubbed version of the action drama film has been released on the official YouTube channel of Eagle Home Entertainments on 15th May so that non-Telugu speaking audiences around the country and world can also watch it, which is free!

It is interesting to know that when Kalyanji Gogana directed ‘Tees Maar Khan’, released last year in August in its original Telugu avatar, the audiences loved it, and it ran for weeks in the theatres. Hence, the makers decided to release the Hindi dubbed version of the film on Youtube so that it reaches wider audiences across the country and more and more people get to watch this revetting saga of revenge which has been presented it in a very intense way.

For the Hindi version, Producer Surender Suneja approached Producer Nagam Tiruparhi Reddy. ‘Teesmaar Khan’ has a stellar cast which consists of Aadi Saikumar, Payal Rajput, Sunil, and Shrikant Iyengar, who can be seen playing important characters in the film. The film has been beautifully captured by cinematographer M. N. Baalreddy, the melodious music of the film has been composed by Sai Karthik, and Manikanth has very well edited it.

Popular Youtube channel Eagle Home Entertainments is known to release dubbed south languages films in Hindi, which are quite liked by the audiences. The film has an intriguing revenge-based story, it has been well directed and brilliantly enacted by powerful performers, it is quite an entertaining film. Hence, the makers are pretty sure that it is equally going to be loved by Hindi-speaking audiences too.

The story of the action drama film ‘Tees Maar Khan’ revolves around a  girl and a boy who belong to broken families, and hence one day, they decide to run away from their respective houses so that they can escape the torture and violence perpetuated by their own family members. Coincidentally they meet up one day and decide to help each other. Soon a police constable decides to adopt and raise both of them. As the girl is the eldest between the two, the boy decides to call her ‘Amma’, and once the boy grows up, he is known as ‘Tees Maar Khan’, who later becomes a police officer. As his ‘Amma’ is killed, ‘Tees Maar Khan’, played by Aadi Saikumar, begins the hunt and decides to take revenge for her Amma’s killer. 

How ‘Tees Maar Khan’ takes his revenge for her beloved ‘Amma’ is the crux of the story, which has been presented in a very thrilling manner. Don’t miss this revenge saga dubbed in Hindi and presented by Eagle Home Entertainments.

Full Movie Link

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